April 15, 2010

More than just a passing glance

I took this photo while looking up at the big blue Spring sky. Do you look up at the day and/or night sky?


  1. Yes, I look up a lot, my head is always in the clouds!

  2. Absolutely...need to be careful when driving though!

    Beautiful photo, btw.

  3. I love the very early morning sky-but the night sky holds so much. I like to look for fun shapes with the clouds. I hope your sky is sunny today.

  4. Yes my friend I have been told by many my head is in the clouds and have even been known to trip and fall with my head looking up instead of where I am going. The little scraps are always worth the beauty above my head.smile... xo

  5. Head in the clouds nigt and day is good. Of course, we have to look down to see the beauty around us such as your beautiful tulips and your Angel neighbor's garden. We are all so blessed.

  6. I love looking up at the sky day or night!

  7. Oh I look up at the sky any chance I get!! Great photograph:)

  8. during the day i look up at maybe a 45 degree angel and turn around in all directions to admire the sky overall. at night I put my head back and look straight up at the stars. never thought about it before:)

  9. Beautiful! And I love looking up :)

  10. Kathleen,

    Such great photos and profound questions! I'm always looking up - both skies are beautiful. If you only gaze upon the stars you'd miss the rainbows.



Thanks for visiting.
~ Kathleen ~