February 25, 2014

Colors from my garden (last year)

Cleome: Senorita Rosalita
Heliopsis Lorraine Sunshine

A glimpse of the garden

Mixed color Hydrangea


  1. you are making me get excited for spring!

  2. Kathleen,
    Are these growing already in your garden? You have a nice assortment of flowers. The yellow ones are so pretty and cheerful. I can't wait until my roses bloom in my front yard. These pictures are so lovely today.

    Have a happy week.


  3. I can't wait to see colors in my garden...I'm not gonna even complain about weeding. (although I might need a reminder of that come July) Gorgeous flowers! Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  4. Your flowers are gorgeous! I'm getting so antsy for spring. Yesterday, we got an advertising circular for a home improvement store and they had landscaping materials on the front page. I can't wait to start working in the yard (if it's still there under multiple feet of snow).


Thanks for visiting.
~ Kathleen ~