June 9, 2009


Well, my yellow daisies have bloomed - yippee! I love a good daisy. They are simple and fresh and represent all that is good in the world.

Their specific name is Heliopsis Lorraine Sunshine, and are they ever bright! I just love the variegated leaves. They really stand out in the crowd. I hope you enjoy them too!


  1. One of my most favorite flowers.
    Andy Warhol did justice to the Daisy!

  2. Oh so pretty! What a great way to start my summer morning. Thank you so much for sharing.

  3. So pretty and cheerful! I don't think I've ever seen that variety before. The leaves are amazing.

  4. "Daisy Day" is such a special treat. It put a smile on my face and a bounce in my step as I went for my morning walk. I am going to try to order one to replace a foxglove that got so heavy with blooms it broke and fell!!!! Never happened before. Happy "Daisy Day".

  5. What beautiful heliopsis and photos of them!

  6. I've NEVER seen these before!! The variegation is really pretty. Are they hearty?

  7. Yahoo... they bloomed beautifully!! Enjoy them.

  8. Thank you all. Glad you enjoyed the pics.

    Kathy - extremely hearty. Once plant and one year later, and we are hooping them.

  9. Ejgin - next time you may want to hoop the plants that get heavy and start to droop. The hoops save them from falling over and possibly snapping.

  10. Gorgeous! Thank you for sharing your lovely flowers. :-)

    I realized on the train to work today...I think the "weeds" I pulled up on Sunday were echinacea. Possibly. (And why I thougt of this days later I have no idea!) I'm not familiar enough with my own garden yet to identify what I planted last year, LOL!

  11. I love that daisy and need to go out right now and get some!


Thanks for visiting.
~ Kathleen ~